Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Day Without Talking

   I thought it was very difficult to use only pictures and acting to communicate at lunch! We had a lot to talk about after two snow days and it was hard to draw what we did those two days. Also we wanted to discuss how our day without talking was going, but it was frustrating when other people wouldn't know what I was trying to draw. Sometimes it was really funny how far off they were on guessing what I was trying to show. This relates to Postman's point that smoke signals are not a sufficient means of communication and words are much more effective when trying to explain an idea. I am now aware of how hard it would be to communicate with people using pictures everyday. This also relates to Postman's point that society is changing from a time of seeing magic in writing to a time where magic is seen in electronics. Words are very powerful and should not be lost.


  1. I agree that it was hard! Lunch especially! I like your closing sentence saying, "Words are very powerful and should not be lost." It is very true and I think it accurately describes part of what Postman is trying to say.

  2. I like your last line "words are very powerful and should not be lost." You don't realize how important they are in your every day life until you can't use them, whether it's writing or speaking.

  3. I like how you related our day without talking to what Postman said about how our society is finding magic in electronics.

  4. I also agree with your last line, "words are very powerful and should not be lost." It was difficult to understand a lot of what people were trying to say with their whiteboards just like you cannot communicate complicated ideas with smoke signals.

  5. "Words are very powerful and should not be lost." Very true. I don't think we will ever lose words but how we use them to communicate has and will continue to change. Some see that change as neutral, others see it as positive. I belong to neither category. My fear is that we will be complacent with quick, shallow, cursory thoughts and responses. My greater fear is that we won't even know how the medium we use to communicate negatively impacts what we communicate.

  6. I agree lunch was the hardest part of the day with trying not to talk. Also I like your last line its true without words we wouldnt know what was going on around us.
