Thursday, December 2, 2010

Law vs. Gospel

Rev. Borghardt's Sermon
    Christ is mentioned about 37 times.
     The verbs Borghart mentions Christ doing are: makes us holy, was slain, took on our sin, died for us on the cross, lives again, died our death, rose, now reigns, put on our flesh and blood, took on our dieing, makes us alive to die no more, set us apart, put His holy name on our forehead, wants us, makes this a place of blessing, is with God, reigns on the throne with the Father, died for us, lives for us, and reigns for us!

The theme found in Rev. Borghardt's sermon is the complete opposite of that found in Jonathan Edward’s sermon. Edward’s whole message declares that those who are not part of God’s grace will face His wrath and be damned to hell. His law filled sermon only mentions salvation through Christ twice at the end. Borghardt’s point is much different in that he preaches mostly the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. His main points are that Jesus has done everything for us and all who believe in Jesus will live for eternity with all the saints in heaven.


  1. I think that definitely Edwards' goal is to create fear in his listeners and almost scare them into believing. Borghardt's sermon is comforting to his listeners. Borghardt's sermon outlines the comforting message that through Christ and his unconditional mercy we are saved.

  2. I like how you used the Law and Gospel to compare the two sermons because that really gives a person the idea of how different the messages of the sermons really are

  3. I like the contrast that you use for the two sermons. Borghardt's sermon is much different than Edwards'. Also it is very true that Edwards' sermon is basically telling us we are damned to hell and if you do not have faith your done for.

  4. I like the contrast between Edwards' Law-filled sermon and Borghardt's Gospel-filled sermon. I like how the sermons were put into the specific catagories of Law and Gospel.

  5. I like how you mentioned that Christ is only mentioned twice at the end of Edwards' sermon. It was a nice contrast to Borghardt's sermon that mentioned Christ 37 times.

  6. I like how it was said that Christ's name was only mentioned twice in Edward's sermon. That helped to show the extreme difference between Borghardt's and Edward's sermon.

  7. I like how you specifically mention that Edward did include Christ in his sermon, but you also pointed out that this was not his main point. Therefore, it is better understood that just mentioning Christ isn't enough.

  8. i like how in your dicussion you mentied that Edward only mentions christ twice, this show even mor on hoe we need vhrist in the sermon more.
