Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's not always about race

    Mitch Albom wrote this article about Lebron James to point out that reporters should not ask the question regarding whether race played a role in certain decisions. I agree with Albom and think he makes a very good point about the fact that race does not come up when good things happen like James being voted MVP, but as soon as something goes wrong ,whether or not race had a role in why it happend, is the first question asked. Albom also makes a good point about James' big ego. Race disregarded, anyone who makes a TV special about deciding to switch teams and phrases their choice in the way James did, has a very big ego. Albom concludes by saying Lebron's ratings have drastically dropped. This is not due solely to white people disliking him, in the same way that his popularity was not just black fans. I agree that the question about race should not be brought up when it does not have to be.

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